WHO/IUIS Allergen Nomenclature Sub-Committee

Financial contributions from IUIS, EAACI, and AAAAI

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Allergen Details:

Allergen name: Tri t 1
Allergen source: Major taxonomic group: Fungi Ascomycota
Order: Onygenales
Species: Trichophyton tonsurans (Ringworm fungus)
NCBI Taxomony ID: 34387
Allergenicity:Of 48 Trichophyton-sensitized patients with a positive skin test to Trichophyton extract, 26 (54%) showed serum IgE binding to purified 125I-Tri t 1 in antigen binding assay. Of the patients who also had a positive Trichophyton RAST, 73% showed IgE binding to 125I-Tri t 1. Purified Tri t 1 induced a immediate skin response in 8 out of 9 Trichophyton-sensitized patients tested.
Allergenicity reference:PubMed:1711086
Route of allergen exposure:Contact
Date Created:01-09-2003
Last Updated:2019-09-27 08:39:29
Submitter Info:
Name:Thomas AE Platts-Mills
Institution:University of Virginia
City:Charlottesville, VA
Submission Date:0000-00-00


Table of IsoAllergens Click +/- for additional information
Isoallergen and variants GenBank Nucleotide GenBank Protein UniProt PDB
Tri t 1.0101