WHO/IUIS Allergen Nomenclature Sub-Committee

Financial contributions from IUIS, EAACI, and AAAAI

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Allergen Details:

Allergen name: Ara h 18
Allergen source: Major taxonomic group: Plantae Eudikotyledons
Order: Fabales
Species: Arachis hypogaea (Peanut, groundnut)
NCBI Taxomony ID: 3818
Biochemical name:Cyclophilin, peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase
Allergenicity:IgE to rAra h 18 was present in sera from 13 of 15 peanut sensitized subjects testing negative for IgE to Ara h 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 9, profilin and CCD, at levels comparable or greater than to whole peanut extract.
Allergenicity reference:PubMed:33497485
Route of allergen exposure:Food
Created:2020-11-13 19:58:04
Last Updated:2024-05-23 13:12:03
Submitter Info:
Name:Jonas Lidholm
Institution:Thermo Fisher Scientific R&D
City:Uppsala, Sweden
Submission Date:2020-11-12


Table of IsoAllergens Click +/- for additional information
Isoallergen and variants GenBank Nucleotide GenBank Protein UniProt PDB
Ara h 18.0101XM_025819515XP_025675300A0A6B9VF68