WHO/IUIS Allergen Nomenclature Sub-Committee

Financial contributions from IUIS, EAACI, and AAAAI

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Allergen Details

Allergen name: Sor h 13
Allergen source: Major taxonomic group: Plantae Liliopsida (monocots)
Order: Poales
Species: Sorghum halepense (Johnson grass)
NCBI Taxomony ID: 4560
Biochemical name:Exopolygalacturonase (Glycosyl hydrolase 28)
MW(SDS-PAGE):54-55 kDa (glycosylated protein)
Allergenicity:Sera from 28 of 64 patients with allergic rhinitis and allergic sensitivity to various grass pollen reacted with the purified natural Sor h 13. Sor h 13 comprises two isoforms, Sor h 13.0101 and Sor h 13.0201 (86% amino acid sequence identity) as shown by mass spectrometry and by total transcriptome sequencing.
Route of allergen exposure:Airway
Created:2014-04-24 12:00:00
Last Updated:2019-09-26 07:15:50
Submitter Info:
Name:Janet M . Davis
Institution:The University of Queensland, School of Medicine
City:Brisbane, Australia
Submission Date:2012-11-13


Table of Isoallergens

Click on the arrows to show the details of individual isoallergens, click on +/- to show/hide the details of all isoallergens.

Isoallergen and variants GenBank Nucleotide GenBank Protein UniProt PDB
Sor h 13.0101KF887429AIL01320A0A077B155 
Sor h 13.0201KF887430AIL01321A0A077B569